boundary 2: Volume 48

After decades of pulling together boundary 2 covers printed with only two inks, volume 48 introduced full-color printing for every issue.

We eased into the transition. 48:1 was the last true two-color _b2_ with its black and green. Issue number 2, while full-color, was restrained in its approach, relying on details of handwritten correspondence.

We planned on stretching the duotone aesthetic for an issue or two more, but 48:3 was a special issue with a stash of great color photos. Historically, special issues would get a full-color treatment, and that was all the license we needed to lean in and collage a few of the best images for this cover.

For 48:4, we were provided a fantastic photo of Charles Bernstein that we cropped to get the front and back cover presentation we thought worked best.

What’s next? We’ll see what we get. The only thing we’ll miss is the occasional hit of metallic ink in this brave new full-color world.


David Spratte, Creative Director
Emily Combs, Lead Designer


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