Bland Landscaping Website

Bland Landscaping came to us to redesign their website when they decided to make a fundamental change to their business.

To continue their growth, Bland made the call to move away from estate gardening and focus on their rapidly growing commercial business.

A significant change like this meant we needed to reconsider the fundamentals of the website—how all the information was organized.

We needed to sort out how to present numerous services across several vertical markets and promote Bland’s rapidly growing regional presence in the Southeast.

With our information architecture work completed, we could quickly roll through layout and branding and deliver the fully responsive website they have today.

Check out the screenshots below or visit the site.


David Spratte, Creative Director
Emily Combs, Lead Designer
Mark Branly, Lead Developer
Jennifer Bedell, Project Manager and Developer

This project was initially produced at Registered Creative by members of the HALO 22 team.


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