NC-PAL Website

When NC-PAL outgrew their single-page intro site in their third year of operations, they asked us to help create something more engaging. They needed a content driven site that would help them establish a professional statewide presence, and encourage more Primary Care Providers to call the line.

Every site starts with a good bit of planning, and the NC-PAL site is no exception. If you’re interested in the details, contact us to find out what we can do for web consultations and builds.

With the planning phase completed, we moved swiftly into content. We set up a blog for publishing their newsletters, webinars, and resources—as well as an events publishing platform, complete with its own search tool. We collaborated on content writing and presentation to reach their primary audiences: Providers and Families. And midway through the build, they were able to leverage grant money toward producing a data visualization of Medicaid claims to understand and share the mental health treatments North Carolina youth receive. All of these elements came together beautifully with the NC-PAL branding we built several years prior.

It was a fascinating project, and we’re continuing to work with them on content. View the live site or check out our screenshots below.


David Spratte, Creative Director
Emily Combs, Lead Designer
Mark Branly, Lead Developer
Jennifer Bedell, Project Manager and Developer

This project was initially produced at Registered Creative by members of the HALO 22 team.


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