‘State of the State Courts 2019 Poll’ Presentation

In 2019, our team was tasked with refreshing The State of the State Courts: The National Center for State Courts’ comprehensive public opinion survey designed to gauge current trust and confidence in the state courts. Since the annual survey began in 2014, members of the HALO 22 team have helped shape how that information is shared, so we were a good fit for the update project.

The State of the State Courts brand refresh starts with a new name: State of the State Courts. The changes to the name were subtle, so the brand shift focused on making them look and feel sleeker. This matched other changes in how the data was collected. The new logo elements were modernized in a way to avoid shocking the Center’s loyal audience. (Sounds dramatic for a presentation about state court statistics, but we swear they have long-time fans!)

See select slides below, or visit NCSC.org to learn more.


David Spratte, Creative Director
Emily Combs, Lead Designer


Urban Tails Veterinary Hospital


boundary 2: Volume 46