Web Accessibility 101
No matter where you’re publishing content, designing for accessibility is key to getting your message across successfully. Use our quick guide to get started.

eCourts Website Redesign
We refreshed the eCourts website with new branding—and improved content strategies to meet the ever-changing needs of a conference and its audiences.

Cheers to 2024
Our offices will be closed from Friday, December 20–Thursday, January 2. Worried you'll miss us? See our project highlights from 2024.

How to Pick the Right Featured Image
The web is only getting more visual every day. Visitors expect to see images—we’re here to help you pick the right ones.

Third Friday Durham Brand Refresh
We recently refreshed the brand of one of downtown Durham’s most iconic events: Third Friday Durham—hosted by Downtown Durham, Inc.

Fluvial Solutions Website
In today’s world, every business needs an online presence. For Fluvial Solutions, a quick Squarespace setup gave them what they needed to start publishing their latest work.

Downtown Durham, Inc. Brand Refresh
With more than a decade of working together, we were excited to dig into DDI’s brand identity and craft a new kit for them—and downtown Durham.

State Courthouses Photo Book, Second Edition
To celebrate CCJ’s 75th anniversary, NCSC tagged us in to help produce a second edition of State Supreme Courthouses. You know us—we nerd out on this kind of thing.

Disability Policy Consortium Website
Since a good content strategy creates space for good design, our work started there when we kicked off a new website project for the Disability Policy Consortium.

Fluvial Solutions Brand Refresh
Ever wonder what it’s like to revisit a brand you did 20 years ago? We found out and now you can too.

We Want You to Vote!
The HALO 22 team is ready to vote in NC! Are you? If you’re not sure, we’ve compiled resources to help you and other NC residents check registration status, register, and learn about what ID to bring with you.

NC-PAL Conference Materials
Check out how we updated NC-PAL’s conference goods with their new brand.

Proper Document Structure and You
Get into the weeds of why using the right headings makes your work readable, discoverable, and accessible.

Duke University Press Photoshoot
When Duke University Press called to see if we were available to shoot some marketing photos for their journals and book collections, we were game.

Picking the Right File for Print or Screen
We’re unraveling the technical mystery of selecting the right file for print or screen so your work will look its best.

Introducing Cloud Skater
We partnered up with Skate Raleigh and Trophy Brewing for a rad collab: A modern, West Coast-style IPA called Cloud Skater.

eCourts Brand Refresh
This year, it was time for eCourts to get a brand refresh. From the logo, the fonts, and the color palette, we redesigned to reflect changes in technology, partners, and attendees.

Mastering the Art of Templates
By following some straightforward guidelines, you can efficiently make the most from any template to get to a finished product in no time.

The Elements (and ROI) of Document Styles
When you extend attention to detail beyond the finished product into how your file is built, you can save time and get better end results.

One-Pot Marketing Email Recipe
Looking to engage your audience? This recipe will make your emails more effective.